H.D., 44 Mecklenburgh Square


H.D. and Richard Aldington moved into 44 Mecklenburgh Gardens on 20th October 1917; if they’d moved seven years earlier, they’d have been just five doors down from the office where Virginia Woolf spent a fortnight stuffing envelopes for the Peoples’ Suffrage League; if they’d had access to this blog, they’d have known they were just round the corner from the attic where Charlotte Mew was first shown the stars.

When Aldington and H.D. left the flat, Dorothy L. Sayers moved in. She’d more or less given up poetry by that point – her Dante translations would come much later – but did have some poetic donkey-work still to do, signing off the last edition of Oxford Poetry to come out under her editorship. Much more importantly, it was in this house that she invented Lord Peter Wimsey.

More poets’ houses from this street coming soon: it’s certainly the most poetic square in London.